Sunday, August 12

State of The Union

I've just set up a guestbook. It's free and has ads, but oh well. I would love if you would sign it. Just say hi to me and let me know where you're reading from. Criticize me, or say anything at all. Just sign!

Sorry I haven't been posting much lately. I promise to pick it back up!

Thanks for checking out my podcast/radio show. Due to the large amount of downloads (200 as of right now!) I will definitely continue to make these, hopefully on a weekly basis. One question though....would you prefer it be longer than it was (40 min.)?

Sign my Guestbook from

Blog Stats Since June 28th, 2007
Albums DLed: 3,078
Podcast DLs: 200
Page Hits: 4,535

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice work!